Building a Digital Portfolio

Primary Investigator and Co-Director, 2014-15
Funder: Getty Foundation;

arthistory Authored the invited grant proposal by the Getty Foundation to continue their pilot program in digital art history training. The Getty Foundation asked us to design an institute for graduate students, because of the Center’s experience in that area. I was responsible for the overall intellectual direction of the institute (July 13-24,2015), particularly in the area of visual culture, image analysis, and modeling, including the development of a curriculum comprised of readings, digital projects, tools, and other relevant materials. I reviewed over fifty applications and worked closely with two institute faculty to select the final cohort. Together with Dr. Sharon Leon, we provided instruction to twenty art history graduate students, representing many sub-fields, on the theoretical grounding of digital humanities and digital art history, as well as basic digital skills, web publishing platforms, digital humanities tools, and project planning and development. We surveyed participants twice throughout the institute to gauge the effectiveness of the curriculum’s structure and content, and we adjusted as necessary to this feedback.